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(2022) Criteria for the selection of complementary private health insurance: the experience of a large organisation in Iran. Bmc Health Services Research. p. 13.
(2022) Economic evaluation of laboratory diagnostic test types in Covid-19 epidemic: A systematic review. International journal of surgery (London, England). p. 106820. ISSN 1743-9159 (Electronic) 1743-9159 (Linking)
(2022) Explore of the reasons of irrational prescribing in Iran: A qualitative study. Heliyon. p. 7.
(2022) Preferences of people in choosing a family physician in rural areas: a qualitative inquiry from Iran. Primary Health Care Research and Development. p. 10. ISSN 1463-4236
(2021) District health network policy in Iran: the role of ideas, interests, and institutions (3i framework) in a nutshell. Archives of Public Health. p. 11. ISSN 0778-7367
(2021) Evaluating the health promoting schools in Iran: across-sectional study. Health Education. pp. 125-139. ISSN 0965-4283
(2021) HIV/AIDS policy-making in Iran: A stakeholder analysis. The International journal of health planning and management. ISSN 1099-1751 (Electronic) 0749-6753 (Linking)
(2021) Investigating the effect of health transformation plan on the public hospitals performance indicators; a case study from Iran. Bmc Health Services Research. p. 8.
(2021) Iran health insurance system in transition: equity concerns and steps to achieve universal health coverage. International Journal for Equity in Health. p. 14.
(2021) The experiences of merging health insurance funds in South Korea, Turkey, Thailand, and Indonesia: a cross-country comparative study. International Journal for Equity in Health. p. 24.
(2020) Combining health insurance funds in a fragmented context: what kind of challenges should be considered? BMC health services research. p. 14.
(2020) Combining health insurance funds in a fragmented context: what kind of challenges should be considered? (vol 20, 26, 2020). BMC health services research. p. 2.
(2020) Correction to: Combining health insurance funds in a fragmented context: what kind of challenges should be considered? BMC health services research. p. 231. ISSN 1472-6963 (Electronic) 1472-6963 (Linking)
(2020) The Effectiveness of Health Literacy Based Educational Intervention on Nutritional Outcomes of Elderly. Salmand-Iranian Journal of Ageing. pp. 324-336. ISSN 1735-806X
(2020) Erratum: Correction to: Combining health insurance funds in a fragmented context: what kind of challenges should be considered? (BMC health services research (2020) 20 1 (26)). BMC health services research. p. 231. ISSN 14726963 (ISSN)
(2020) Supply-and-demand projections for the health workforce at a provincial level from 2015 to 2025 in Ilam, Iran. Proceedings of Singapore Healthcare. p. 10. ISSN 2010-1058
(2020) What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of merging health insurance funds? A qualitative policy analysis from Iran. Bmc Public Health. p. 15.
(2019) Determinants of willingness to practice medicine in underdeveloped areas Evidence from a survey on Iranian medical students. International Journal of Health Governance. pp. 31-41. ISSN 2059-4631
(2019) Health Financing Consequences of Implementing Health Transformation Plan in Iran: Achievements and Challenges. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. pp. 384-386.
(2019) So Near, So Far: Four Decades of Health Policy Reforms in Iran, Achievements and Challenges. Archives of Iranian Medicine. pp. 592-605. ISSN 1029-2977
(2019) Stakeholders analysis of merging social health insurance funds in Iran: what kind of interests they may gain or lose? International Journal of Health Planning and Management. pp. 157-176. ISSN 0749-6753
(2018) Determinants of willingness to practice medicine in underdeveloped areas: Evidence from a survey on Iranian medical students. International Journal of Health Governance. ISSN 20594631 (ISSN)
(2018) Prohibiting physicians' dual practice in Iran: Policy options for implementation. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. E711-E720. ISSN 0749-6753
(2018) Stakeholders analysis of merging social health insurance funds in Iran: what kind of interests they may gain or lose? The International journal of health planning and management. ISSN 1099-1751 (Electronic) 0749-6753 (Linking)
(2018) Tendency to Rhinoplasty in University Students Based on the Level of Self-Esteem and Body Image Concern. World Family Medicine. pp. 96-100. ISSN 1839-0188
(2018) The impact of Health Sector Evolution Plan on the performance of hospitals in Iran: Evidence from the Pabon Lasso model. International Journal of Health Governance. pp. 111-119. ISSN 2059-4631
(2018) The prevalence of sexual violence during pregnancy in Iran and the world: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of injury & violence research. pp. 63-74. ISSN 2008-4072 (Electronic) 2008-2053 (Linking)
(2017) Economic burden of smoking in Iran: A prevalence-based annual cost approach. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. pp. 2867-2873. ISSN 15137368 (ISSN)
(2017) Infrastructures Required for the Expansion of Family Physician Program to Urban Settings in Iran. Archives of Iranian Medicine. pp. 589-597. ISSN 1029-2977